Mid Yorkshire DAB Ltd

Welcome To The DAB Digital Radio Multiplex For                    Wakefield, Castleford & Dewsbury

Welcome to Mid Yorkshire DAB Ltd

Mid Yorkshire DAB Ltd (MYDAB) was awarded the Small Scale DAB multiplex licence for Wakefield, Castleford & Dewsbury by Ofcom.

What Is Small Scale DAB (SSDAB)

For some time, UK media regulator Ofcom has been encouraging radio stations to use DAB, this allows increased capacity (i.e. a wider choice of stations), with a superior and better quality audio.


Whilst this is great for large commercial channels, DAB has proved to be prohibitively expensive for smaller broadcasters, like community stations and professional on-line stations. Consequently, Ofcom introduced a new system for these groups called Small Scale DAB (SSDAB).

Small Scale DAB is a great opportunity. Not only for community broadcasters but also other non-profit broadcasters and small commercial stations. By making use of innovative techniques and new technology, SSDAB is much less expensive than the traditional DAB providers.

Unlike traditional ‘analogue’ radio, each DAB transmitter can broadcast numerous channels giving a more variety of stations.

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Radio Service Providers

These are some of the radio providers who will be joining us on the launch of the Wakefield, Castleford & Dewsbury Multiplex.

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